beat365网页登录李朋副教授邀请, 电子科技大学数学科学学院赵熙乐教授, 将于2024年1月31号(星期三)上午11:00-12:00线下举办学术报告.
报告题:New Continuous Representation for Multi-Dimensional Data Recovery Beyond Meshgrid
报告摘要:Classical low-rank tensor representations can only represent data on meshgrid, which hinders their potential applicability in many scenarios beyond meshgrid. To break this barrier, we propose a low-rank tensor function representation (LRTFR), which can continuously represent data beyond meshgrid with infinite resolution. Specifically, the suggested tensor function, which maps an arbitrary coordinate to the corresponding value, can continuously represent data in an infinite real space. Parallel to discrete tensors, we develop two fundamental concepts for tensor functions, i.e., the tensor function rank and low-rank tensor function factorization. We theoretically justify that both low-rank and smooth regularizations are harmoniously unified in the LRTFR, which leads to high effectiveness and efficiency for data continuous representation. Extensive multi-dimensional data recovery applications arising from image processing (image inpainting and denoising), machine learning (hyperparameter optimization), and computer graphics (point cloud upsampling) substantiate the superiority and versatility of our method as compared with state-of-the-art methods. Especially, the experiments beyond the original meshgrid resolution (hyperparameter optimization) or even beyond meshgrid (point cloud upsampling) validate the favorable performances of our method for continuous representation.