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"九章讲坛"第850讲 — 孙德锋 教授



题目:Accelerating preconditioned ADMM via degenerate proximal point mappings


腾讯会议ID:308284528 密码:2407

摘要:We aim to accelerate a preconditioned alternating direction method of multipliers (pADMM), whose proximal terms are convex quadratic functions, for solving linearly constrained convex optimization problems. To achieve this, we first reformulate the pADMM into a form of proximal point method (PPM) with a positive semidefinite preconditioner which can be degenerate due to the lack of strong convexity of the proximal terms in the pADMM. Then we accelerate the pADMM by accelerating the reformulated degenerate PPM (dPPM). Specifically, we first propose an accelerated dPPM by integrating the Halpern iteration and the fast Krasnosel'ski\u{i}-Mann iteration into it, achieving asymptotic $o(1/k)$ and non-asymptotic $O(1/k)$ convergence rates. Subsequently, building upon the accelerated dPPM, we develop an accelerated pADMM algorithm that exhibits both asymptotic $o(1/k)$ and non-asymptotic $O(1/k)$ nonergodic convergence rates concerning the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker residual and the primal objective function value gap. Preliminary numerical experiments validate the theoretical findings, demonstrating that the accelerated pADMM outperforms the pADMM in solving convex quadratic programming problems. [This is a joint work with Yancheng Yuan, Guojun Zhang and Xinyuan Zhao.


孙德峰教授现任香港理工大学应用优化与运筹学讲座教授。他主要发表在非凸连续优化和机器学习方面。他与Kim Chuan Toh教授和Liuqin Yang博士一起被数学优化学会授予三年一度的2018年Beale-Orchard Hays计算数学规划卓越奖。2011年至2013年,他担任《亚太运筹学杂志》主编,现任《数学规划》、《SIAM优化杂志》、《优化理论与应用杂志》、中国运筹学会杂志、《计算数学杂志》和《科学中国:数学》副主编。2020年,他当选为CSIAM和SIAM学会会员,并于2021年获得香港研究中心和华为诺亚方舟实验室颁发的杰出合作者奖,以表彰他在开发高效和稳健的技术以解决生产计划和供应链物流产生的大规模线性规划模型方面所做的贡献。2022年,他获得了RGC高级研究员计划奖。




